Tips to do business with Big Corporates

por | May 7, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 Comentarios

You have already achieved the consolidation of your start-up. However, you would like to go further; Yes, exactly, we refer to do business with big corporates that can market their product on a large scale.

Being part of the «big» is really difficult, it requires many efforts and perseverance. To help you we will present (in our opinion) the five tips to do business with big corporates: 

1. Total Cost Ownership

It consists of simulating the benefits that the product will have in the new company, proposing two options: the first, how much money they save, and the second, how much money they would lose if they do not bet on your product.

2. Research and draw up your target

To do business with big corporates is necessary a solid relationship inside. In many cases, these relationships provide the jump to close a deal. As simple as drawing up a list of companies you’d like to partner.

3. Get your first Customer

If you want to get important clients, you will need to be creative and choose the right person. For that reason, check out some of the company’s publications, search social media (LinkedIn or Twitter), and even call directly.

4. Advertise on Social Media. 

Social Media have great resources and analytics to test your campaigns and ensure your message and call-to-action is effective. Also, an attractive website to attract news customers.

5. Leveraging partnerships

In the setting of small business, leveraging partnerships is also a viable growth strategy. Of course, small businesses are not going to have it easy, but with a continuous relationship  nothing is imposible.

As you’ve seen, approaching an important client can take a lot of time and effort, but the possible referrals can lead to many more opportunities in the future.

What do you think about the Big Corporates? What other tips have worked for you?

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