Secmotic has joined as Gold Member the FIWARE Foundation

por | May 20, 2017 | FIWARE, Secmotic | 0 Comentarios

We are so grateful to announce that Secmotic has joined as Gold Member the Fiware Foundation. This non-profit organisation deals with providing shared resources to help achieving the FIWARE mission.
Thanks to FIWARE technologies, the digital revolution is possible combining the Internet of Things with Context Information Management and Big Data services on the Cloud that will bring a new economic and social sustainability. The first idea has its origins in Europe, but it is true that Fiware has crossed border to the whole world.

Why is Fiware so important?

Fiware is a innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet applications and services. It provides a rather simple yet powerful set of APIs that ease the development of Smart Applications in multiple vertical sectors. These specifications of these APIs are public and royalty-free.

Like we said, this program wants to bring the benefits of Fiware-enabled smart city applications to cities in order to enhance the quality of life of their citizens.

Gold Member: What does it mean to belong to Fiware Foundation?

As Gold Member, you will found only legally established organisations committed to Fiware having an active role in pursuing the Fiware MissionSecmotic not only shares the vision but we want to be part of it. From the very begining our commitment with Fiware technology is such that the entire staff of Secmotic belongs to the Fiware Foundation.

About Secmotic Innovation

Secmotic Innovation distinguishes itself with the use of the Fiware technology, platform of the European Union for the development and global deployment of IoT applications, in which Secmotic is certified. For more info, please visit this link.

Under the company’s corporate message of «Creative solutions» we believe technology is a catalyst for change, and we act in accordance with our three values: Innovation, Development and IT Security. 

On the other hand, Secmotic is a company, which dedicates part of its commitment in developing IoT platforms to third parties. An example is Plactherm, an IoT device in the form of intelligent radiant tiles that allow independent heating and sensing and scheduling from an application. For more information, please visit:

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